High-level Global Resilience Dialogue
Save the date: 5 March 2024
Published on February 16, 2024
The Resilience Fund partnered with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the Government of United Kingdom (FCDO) to explore the gendered impact of environmental crime and biodiversity loss on rural and indigenous women. The goal was to empower community resilience by supporting grassroots women-led initiatives in four forest ecosystems: the Arajuno forests in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the Sierra Tarahumara forests in Mexico, the Yabassi forests in Cameroon and the rainforests of northern Sumatra in Indonesia.
As a part of the programme, the Resilience Fund worked on the exploratory brief Impact of biodiversity loss and environmental crime on women from rural and indigenous communities, which analyses the gendered impact through case studies in these ecosystems. The recommendations in the brief were calibrated following localised in-person dialogues in each country with relevant stakeholders.
This Global Dialogue is a high-level discussion on identifying actions for implementing the recommendations. The participants include institutional stakeholders and leaders of the initiatives supported by the programme.
Tuesday Reitano, Deputy Director, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Diana Siller, Environmental Justice and Human Rights (JADE A.C.)
Gwen Boniface, Senator, Canadian Parliament, Resilience Fund Advisory Committee
Radha Barooah, Field Coordinator – Resilience Fund, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Siria Gastélum Félix, Resilience Director, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Interpretation available in English, Spanish, and French
Interpretación en inglés, español y francés disponible
Interprétation disponible en anglais, espagnol et français

As a part of the Resilience Fund’s broader work on women’s resilience to organized crime, this exploratory policy brief unpacks the ways in which women are struggling, adapting and responding to the impacts of environmental degradation and biodiversity loss caused by the illegal exploitation of forest regions and their surrounds, especially in rural and indigenous habitats.

Como parte del trabajo del Fondo Resiliencia sobre la resiliencia de las mujeres ante el crimen organizado, este informe exploratorio desentrañará las formas en que las mujeres luchan, se adaptan y responden a los impactos causadas por la explotación ilegal de las regiones forestales y sus alrededores, especialmente en hábitats rurales e indígenas.

Dans la cadre du travail du Fonds pour la résilience mené sur la résilience des femmes face à la criminalité organisée, cet exposé politique d’exploration décrira comment les femmes luttent, s’adaptent et répondent aux impacts de la dégradation de l’environnement et de la perte de biodiversité causés par l’exploitation illégale des régions forestières et de leur environnement, notamment dans les habitats ruraux et autochtones.