In October 2019, the Global Initiative Against Organized Crime announced the launch of the Resilience Fellowship, an initiative aimed at building a platform for cross-sectoral, global and interdisciplinary collaboration to counter the effects of organized crime.
Each year, the Fellowship will have a chosen theme focusing on a global issue around which fellows collaborate to find new perspectives and responses, drawn from their diverse but shared experiences.
We are now delighted to present our Fellows, after the successful completion of the selection process:
2020 Fellows
Disappearances Related to Organized Crime

Rubaya, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Benoit Kikwaya

State of Bolivar, Venezuela
Clavel Rangel

Bucharest, Romania
Ioana Bauer

Ituango, Colombia
Isabel Zuleta

Meru, Kenya
Judie Kaberia

Manila, Philippines
Mae Paner

Culiacan, Mexico
Maria Isabel Cruz

Manila, Philippines
Rafael Lerma

Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Sok Phay Sean
Focusing on the 2020 Resilience Fellowship’s theme: “Disappearances Related to Organized Crime”, each of the 10 Fellows will be supported in their work with communities, be encouraged to pursue collaborative projects, and provided with mentorship, training opportunities and different international platforms for the dissemination of their work.
2021 Reslience Fellowship's theme
Extortion and organized crime